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she’s down in the bad
不好的时候他会消沉  detail>>
she had a bad cold
他总是吹牛  detail>>
she has bad luck
她不走运  detail>>
she was in a bad mood yesterday
她昨天不爽  detail>>
yeah, she’s bad, but, ooh
是的,她是自私的  detail>>
falling down in a bad way
正式用法  detail>>
good is up, bad is down
好的是向上,坏的是向下  detail>>
she had a really bad fall
她这一跤摔得真够受的  detail>>
she floated down the stairs
她从楼梯上飘然而下  detail>>
she lived down by the river
她住在河流下面  detail>>
she rolls the window down
她窗下卷  detail>>
she was struck down
却猛被打翻  detail>>
the bad weather is getting me down
这坏天气使我毫无精神  detail>>
she bent down and kissed the child
她俯下身亲了亲孩子  detail>>
she drew down full pay
她拿全薪  detail>>
she furiously rushed down the stairs
她气冲冲地跑下楼去  detail>>
she lay down on her bed
他正躺在树荫下  detail>>
she was pulled down by her illness
她的身体被疾病拖垮了  detail>>